Friday, February 20, 2009

Moving On. . .

I can officially say I am no longer one of those people who has to finish a book before starting another. The temptation was to much. I have moved Uncle Tom's Cabin to the maybe-I-will-get back-to-it-later shelf. I feel like such a failure, but I am sure I will get over. Guess what?! I'M OVER IT!!!!!

I picked up In Cold Blood, by Truman Capote and I simply cannot put it down. Of course, I should censor when I read this book. It is probably a bad idea to read it right before bed as I had homicidal nightmares last night.

I will keep you posted!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Uncle Tom's Cabin Update

Just thought I would post a quick update on my latest reading adventure. I was quite apprehensive about this book, but so far I have made it to page 100 and I am finding it to be not as terrifying as I anticipated. The dialouge can be rough sometimes because it is written in the southern dialect, but my brain is starting to understand what certain or should I say "sartin" words are suppose to mean.

Hopefully, I will be able to come back in a few days and report that I have finished. I just bought three new books this weekend and they are beckoning me. Unfortunately, I have turned into one of those people who has to finish one book before I start another. So. . . . now I have incentive.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Black History Month

It has been close to a month since I last posted any book information. I know I promised to be more frequent with my postings, but I just haven't read anything that has warranted further comment. But tonight I would like to write about my next reading adventure.

February is Black History month and every February I pick a book that was written by an African-American author or is essentially about African-America culture and I try to broaden my outlook. I started doing this a few years ago and have come across some really astounding works of fiction. I have read Native Son by Richard Wright; The Living Is Easy by Dorothy West and my absolute favorite read was Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston.

I know that Oprah had produced a television adaption of this book several years ago that starred Halle Berry, but it did not do the book justice. It is a story of survival and love and is written with such beautiful language. It is also written in a strong dialect which took me sometime to get use to, but my patience paid off in the end.

So, this month I have decided to take on the weighty, thought-provoking book Uncle Tom's Cabin, by Harriett Beecher Stowe. For those who don't know this little quirk about me. . . I tend to collect books and then they sit on my shelves for years because I get distracted and collect more books. I have had this edition of Uncle Tom's Cabin since high school? Not quite sure, but high school has been over since 1995 - I think I am long overdue to read this book.

I have pulled it out, flipped through the pages numerous times and had many good intentions, but I guess I have never been able to get past the fear of the language and the way it may be written. Am I smart enough now to read it? We will soon find out. I will post as soon as I finish this classic, historic novel.

Happy Reading!